
Extradited terror suspect back in Sydney
A MAN is expected be charged with a drive-by shooting of a Sydney police station and the wounding of another man when he appears in court later today following his extradition from Lebanon.

Saleh Jamal, 31, has been taken to Sydney Police Centre in inner-city Surry Hills after arriving at Sydney Airport accompanied by detectives about 6.30am (AEST) today.

He is due to face a Sydney court later today.

Jamal was arrested in May by Lebanese authorities after completing a two-year jail sentence for weapons offences in Beirut.

NSW police officers had been preparing to collect him from Beirut when Israeli military aircraft bombed Beirut's international airport in July.

With the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict over and the airport open, NSW police decided to proceed with the extradition.

Jamal, of Belfield in Sydney, was arrested in May 2004 while trying to flee Lebanon, again using a false passport.

He was sentenced by a Lebanese Military Court to five years in jail for possessing weapons and explosives, forging an Australian passport, forming a group and planning acts that endangered state security.

Lebanese prosecutors wanted to charge Jamal for planning to become a suicide bomber, but did not proceed because of insufficient evidence.

The Lebanese Court of Appeal in April slashed his sentence to two years after ruling the terrorism charge could not be upheld.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-09-27