
Al-Ghozi released to lead cops to other terrorist cells–source
THE escape of Indonesian bomber Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi together with two others last week may have been part of a police intelligence project, sources from the Philippine National Police revealed the other day.
Yeah. Right...
The intelligence project, according to the source, may have been carried out to determine al-Ghozi’s operational value in the field by having him lead authorities tailing him to other members of his terrorist cell. The source declined to reveal further details about the project but hinted that it could be similar to earlier operations carried out by the defunct Military Intelligence and Service Group (MISG) in the 1970s and 1980s. “That’s what I have heard in the ‘inside’ since their escape. It’s up to you now to validate this,” the source told The Manila Times.
Uhuh. Sure. Say, is that egg on your face?
The official said it is unlikely that al-Ghozi agreed to serve as a deep penetration agent for the government because of his strong ideological beliefs in Islam and his high level of terrorist training with Jemaah Islamiah and al-Qaeda trainers. It is possible, however, that his movements–both in the Philippines and abroad–are being tracked by authorities in the hope that he will lead them to more Jemaah Islamiah “sleeper cells.” PNP officials declined to comment on the issue.
But no doubt they're hoping somebody's going to buy this load of fertilizer...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-07-20