
Congressional Inquiry reports on Saudi involvement in 9-11 attacks
Lotsa Monday morning quaterbacking here...
A congressional inquiry points to suspicion over a potential role played by Saudi Arabia in the September 11 attacks, Newsweek wrote in its Monday edition. The conclusions of a congressional joint intelligence inquiry, to be released Thursday, claim the FBI failed to follow through on important evidence relating to the al-Qaeda network’s presence in the United States, the magazine said. The report to be released consists of evidence suggesting that Omar al-Bayoumi, a key associate of hijackers Khaled al-Mihdar and Nawaf al-Hazmi may have been a Saudi government agent.
That’ll set some turbans spinning.
It documented extensive relations between al-Bayoumi and the hijackers, while claiming the FBI failed to keep tabs on al-Bayoumi though it had learned he was a secret Saudi agent. Among the evidence was the fact al-Bayoumi participated in a meeting in January 2001 at the Saudi Consulate in LA from there heading to a restaurant where he met future hijackers al-Mihdar and al-Hazmi, whom he took back with him to San Diego. The Bush administration refused to declassify several key passages from the 900-page report, including a section that outlines the role played by Riyadh, removed from the final version, Newsweek claims. Senator Bob Graham, a Democratic candidate for the 2004 presidential elections who supervised the inquiry maintains that the US administration was "protecting a foreign government," according to Newsweek. An attorney for victims of the attacks who are suing a group of suspected financiers of al-Qaeda, Jean-Charles Brisard, said the report shows that "at each stage in the preparation of the attacks" Saudi Arabia operated as an effective financial and logistical "patron" to the “terrorists.” Brisard said certain parts of the report mention "help provided by Saudi diplomats working in Washington to assist in several suicide (hijackers)’ arrival and stay in the United States."
No suprise here.
Posted by: Steve 2003-07-21