
Kandahar airbase attacked again
  • A huge fire was burning near three U.S. transport helicopters at an air base near Kandahar late Thursday, and shooting and explosions were heard along the base perimeter. "There is a huge fire on or very near to the runway about 100 yards from the terminal where I am," said Reuters Television cameraman Taras Protsyuk. "I heard a couple more explosions, some flares went up and then there was this fire." He said it was not clear what caused the fire and what was burning.

    It was the second consecutive night on which clashes had erupted at the base, where operations to mop up remnants of the Taliban and al Qaeda are based.
    The remnants have to make their aggressive moves just to prove they're still there. They're also not necessarily al Qaeda or Taliban - Hekmatyar's proxy forces are just as anti-American, as are Sayyaf's, even though they're nominally allied with the provisional government. The guys who were rounded up yesterday turned out to be "anti-Taliban fighers."
    And a reporter from the Toronto [Red] Star two days ago was whining about getting booted out of Kanadhar when his stories detailed the perimeter defenses. This last bit of incoming is probably why the Star didn't try to make a big thing about "freedom of the press" being violated.
    Posted by Tom Roberts 2/14/2002 3:19:10 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-02-14
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=1676