
Zimbabwe policeman fired withdrawn from Kosovo
The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Kosovo says a Zimbabwean police officer serving with it has been withdrawn from public duties because of allegations that he was involved in torture whilst working in Harare. But the United Nations says it cannot take any other action against the officer.
Of course not — otherwise no other thugocracy will nominate its police thugs to serve wth the UN in Kosovo!
The British-based organisation, Redress, which campaigns against torture, says it has evidence that Detective-Inspector Henry Dowa, now serving with the UN in Kosovo, has been involved in human rights abuses. The allegations relate to incidents in Harare involving the use of electric cables and severe beatings.
Trained by the NKors, maybe?
A spokesman for the UN mission in Kosovo told the BBC that in the light of these allegations, Mr Dowa had been withdrawn from duties where he might interact with the public, but he was still doing administrative work. But the spokesman said no further action could be taken against Mr Dowa, because he was not accused of committing any crimes whilst in Kosovo. The spokesman also said the mission did not have the capacity to vet police officers before they travelled to Kosovo.
"The person who does that is in Geneva. For lunch. Call back."
Redress says this is not acceptable, and has written to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, saying Mr Dowa should be arrested and tried. UN officials in New York told the BBC that a decision on this case is imminent. Redress argues that if Mr Dowa were allowed to return to Zimbabwe, he would be extremely unlikely to face prosecution, given the current political climate.
Wow, an NGO that actually recognizes reality.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-07-22