
Terror suspect evaded capture 'in burqa'
More on the Religion of Cross-dressers.
A BRITISH terrorist suspect evaded capture from the country's police and intelligence services by donning a burqa and disguising himself as a Muslim woman, The Times reported in an early edition of tomorrow's newspaper. According to the London newspaper, which did not cite its sources, the suspect is a male who cannot be named because it could prejudice his trial. He was wanted for serious terrorist offences, and evaded arrest for several days. During those days, details of the man's identity were circulated to ports and airports in an effort to prevent him from leaving Britain. He was eventually caught and is now among the more than 90 terror suspects being held, awaiting trial.
"You in the Wonderbra! Drop the rocket launcher and come out witcher hands up!"
The report comes amid a furore in Britain over comments made by a cabinet minister who appealed for Muslim women to remove their veils. The comments on Thursday by Jack Straw, a former foreign secretary, have triggered a reported surge in abuse against Muslims and divided the government as well as Muslims.
What kind of abuse did his remark trigger, Johnny?
"If this is true then it is the first case of its kind in Britain and an isolated incident," Shahid Malik, an MP for the governing Labour Party was quoted as saying in The Times. "We must not get hysterical about it."
"It's just a quaint Pak-Arabian custom!"

Posted by: phil_b 2006-10-09