
UK families' Guantánamo appeal fails
An attempt to force the government to demand that three British residents be returned from Guantánamo Bay failed today. Three appeal court judges rejected arguments that the men, who have indefinite leave to stay in Britain, should be treated as UK citizens even though they were foreign nationals.

All the British citizens who were detained at Guantánamo have already been returned to the UK. Mr al-Rawi is an Iraqi national and long-term UK resident, Mr el-Banna a Jordanian national with refugee status in the UK and Mr Deghayes a Libyan national, also with refugee status in the UK.

Rabinder Singh QC, acting for the families of the men, told a hearing in July that the men's detention was unlawful. He said there was unfounded claims evidence that Bisher al-Rawi, Jamil el-Banna and Omar Deghayes had suffered torture at the hands of US interrogators, and that each was still exposed to that risk.
Tusk, tusk, wotta shame, someone mishandled their Korans, did they?
Mr Singh told Lord Justice Brooke, Lord Justice Laws and Lady Justice Smith that the government's continuing refusal to act was contrary to the Race Relations Act and breached the rights of the men's families, who were British citizens.

Announcing that the court of appeal had dismissed the three appeals, Lord Justice Laws said the refusal to request their return did not contravene human rights or race relations laws.

Posted by: Steve White 2006-10-13