
Son of Mad Mullah caught with money for Daddy
The son of mad mullah Omar Bakri was yesterday caught leaving Britain with £13,500 for his dad. Abdul Rahman Fostok was found with a cash-stuffed brown envelope marked “Daddy” as he prepared to board a plane to Beirut, where Bakri fled to from London. Special Branch cops held the money with powers from the 2000 Anti-Terrorism Act before letting Fostok, 23, fly from Heathrow. Officers believe the sum was meant for Bakri, 47, who quit Britain last year after The Sun campaigned to have him expelled.

Cops can take cash if they suspect it will be used in terror-related activity. The Home Office will tomorrow ask for a formal High Court seizure order. A police source said: “We’re sure this money was intended for Bakri. We will now be looking at where it came from.” ...

Dad-of-six Bakri, who praised the 9/11 murderers, lived off taxpayers for more than 20 years. Despite living in exile, the cleric has a luxury flat — and sources close to him claim he is STILL scrounging off the state. One pal said: “He doesn’t work. It has been obvious he has been using his family to help fund his lavish lifestyle.” ....

Bakri’s wife Hanan would not reveal any names of their family members .... Bakri, 46, sponged £300,000 during 20 years on benefits in Britain. He lost £42.30 a week in disability benefit, £20 in income support and £100 housing allowance when he left the UK. But Hanan is thought to have applied for benefits for herself and three of her younger children.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2006-10-25