
Australian counter-terror police searching for stolen ammonium nitrate
COUNTER-terrorism police are on the hunt for 400kg of the same type of explosive material used to kill 92 Australians in the two Bali bombings.

The explosive grade ammonium nitrate was stolen from a freight train as it stopped to let another train pass at Glendale, near Newcastle in NSW.

The Daily Telegraph has learned NSW counter-terrorism police suspect a highly organised group used a crow bar to break specialist stainless steel seals on the carriage.

The granular substance – it looks like grey gravel – was en-route to Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, where it was to be used by miners to blow through rock.

Ammonium nitrate was the main ingredient used by the Bali bombers in both the 2002 and 2005 attacks, which left 225 people dead, including 92 Australians.

NSW counter-terrorism police yesterday confirmed they were investigating the October 6 theft but declined to elaborate.

After leaving a holding yard in East Mayfield, the train stopped at 6.25am (AEST) to let another freight train past.

At sometime between 6.25am and 6.50am the ammonium nitrate was stolen from the 22-tonne carriage.

A specialist stainless steel security seal had been forced open at one end of the carriage.

The train driver said he did not see anything unusual while the train was stopped.

"It was broken into while stationary at a rail siding at Sulphide Junction," Detective Senior-Sergeant George Radmore said yesterday.

"We believe a quantity was stolen from the container. It had been broken into and a quantity was spilling out on to the track.

"It was an explosive grade of the substance which is used in mining."

Sen-Sgt Radmore said the gang may have used a ute or a van to take away the ammonium nitrate.

"It appears they brought their own containers to transport the substance," he said.

"It could have been transported in a van or ute. I wouldn't think you could get it into a normal car."

The ammonium nitrate was owned by mining company Orica, which yesterday confirmed it were co-operating with NSW counter-terrorism police.

"Pacific National had custody of the container at the time," corporate affairs manager John Fetter said.

"We are certainly not happy about losing it and we are co-operating with police.

"It is subject to very strict regulations by all the State Government legislation and is a very security sensitive material given its nature. We are very supportive of those regulations."

Rail carrier Pacific National refused to comment on the theft.

Ammonium nitrate is a form of fertiliser that becomes a powerful explosive when mixed with common fuel oil.

It is a favourite tool of terrorists and was used in the US in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1996 and the World Trade Centre bombing in 1993.

The explosion comes from a sudden release of gas. It doesn't have to involve a spark or flame.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-10-25