
Australia 'blessed' by Sheik: says visiting British Muslim
AUSTRALIA was blessed by the presence of the Muslim leader who compared immodest women to uncovered meat, sparking accusations that he condoned rape, a visiting British Muslim cleric has said.
Muslim leaders at Sydney's Lakemba mosque last night met for four hours to determine the fate of Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, who outraged Muslim community leaders and federal and state politicians with his comments, which he made during a Ramadan sermon last month.

Alluding to rapes in 2000 where four women were separately gang-raped by a group of young Muslim men, the sheik said there were women who "sway suggestively" and wore makeup and inappropriate clothes, The Australian reported.

"If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?" the sheik asked.

"The uncovered meat is the problem."

"If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (head scarf), no problem would have occurred."

But British Muslim Council of Great Britain chairman Imam Abdul Jalil Sajid today said it appeared to him that the comments had been taken out of context.

"I know that he is one of the greatest Muslim scholars on earth and Australia is blessed with him, and I know he went to Iraq to get released an Australian national (Douglas Wood) from the clutches of a heinous regime at the time," Dr Sajid told the Nine Network's Today program.

"We have to appreciate and give him the credit with the result (Mr Wood's release) but I agree and take your point that he must communicate better.

"Probably his comments have been taken out of context.

"Probably he needs to restrain himself to get the words right before he says anything.

"Probably he needs to look into the wider implications of his comments. I think all these will take time. I have no doubt of his integrity, his leadership and also his belonging to this country, which he has adopted to live (in)."
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-10-26