
Islamists deny the abduction of lawmakers
(SomaliNet) Somali’s powerful Islamic Courts controlling most of south and central Somalia have strongly dismissed on Thursday an accusation from Baidoa based government that Islamic militants kidnapped three Somali lawmakers near Bur-hakaba, a town now ruled by Islamists in southwest Somalia, describing the government allegation as anti Islamist propaganda.

“It was not a kidnap as the government said but this was a move to protect the MPs from going into a risky place because Baidoa is a city occupied by Ethiopians."
Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Said known as Inda-adde (means ‘White Eyes’), the chief security of Islamic Courts rejected that his fighters have abducted the MPs but admitted that the lawmakers have been stopped to go Baidoa for security reasons. “It was not a kidnap as the government set but this was a move to protect the MPs from going into risky place because Baidoa is a city occupied by Ethiopians and all the public and government officials are hostage to Ethiopia,” Sheik Yusuf said while he was speaking with the local media later today.
That makes sense. Not a lot of sense, but sense. In an Islamic kind of way. Sorta.
He said the Islamists behaved the MPs well and with respect and returned them to Mogadishu where they initially left. “It is our duty to save the Somalia people and government officials from the enemy cave,” Sheik Yusuf said urging all Somali patriotic to gear up for defending their territory against Ethiopian invaders. The three members of the parliament now being held by Islamists had been identified as Moalim Jis, Sheik Jama Haji Hussein and Mohamed Faqi. They left from Mogadishu this morning and were on their way to Baidoa city, the seat of Somalia government. Many MPs are now in Mogadishu after months of leave and will return to Baidoa within 10 days as mentioned by deputy chairman of the parliament in Baidoa on Thursday.

The government said the abduction was organized by a Pakistani militant who has been with the Islamic Courts in many battle fronts against pro-government militia in southern Somalia...
Sheik Yusuf Inda-adde, former ruler Lower Shabelle region in southern Somalia, made it clear that Islamic Courts are not on offensive to Baidoa city. Despite that, he said there has been on one can prevent Islamists to reach Baidoa, since it is Somalia city. Earlier, the UN backed interim government accused powerful Islamists of kidnapping three of its lawmakers near the disputed town of Bur-hakaba 180km southwest of the capital and 60km to Baidoa city, the capital of Bay region. The government said the abduction was involved by Pakistani militant who has been with the Islamic Courts in many battle frontlines against pro-government militia in southern Somalia, pointing it as an aggressive act against Somalia government.
"But at least he's not Ethiopian!"

Posted by: Fred 2006-10-27