
Daughter defends Muslim cleric
THE daughter of besieged Muslim cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly said his comments have been misinterpreted and the media should "leave him alone".
"Leave 'im alone, you big bullies!"
Asma al-Hilaly said her father comments implying that immodestly dressed women invite sexual attacks were not his own words.
"He got them from the writings of a medieval pope. I think it was Pope Bob... Yes. I'm sure it was."
She said the offending quote, likening women to uncovered meat tempting cats to eat it, was offered to a group of old men as a way urging them, to teach their daughters to be modest. "All I'm saying is that what he said was (taken) out of context," Ms al-Hilaly told Southern Cross Broadcasting. "Leave him alone. He is a sick man.
"I mean, like, really sick. He tried to feed me to a cat once."
"He was in a house of God. He was only preaching to a group of old men. And his only concern was for them to keep their daughters modest. It all got out of context, blown out of proportion out of something little. Move on."
"Just get over it. And keep that cat away from me!"
Ms al-Hilaly said her father was misinterpreted by unfair translation of the sermon. "He was not inviting people to rape (women). That's the thing that was out of context," she said. "He was just teaching women to be modest."
"So they won't be eaten by cats. I mean, who wants to be eaten by cats?"

Posted by: Fred 2006-10-27