
Abu Hamza's son allowed security pass to work on the Tube network.
London Underground is today accused of an appalling security blunder for allowing Abu Hamza's son to work on the network.

Mohammed Kamel Mostafa, 25, from Wembley - a convicted terrorist - was given a security pass and access to restricted areas.

He worked as a labourer at nights and weekends for a sub-contractor despite having spent three years in a Yemen jail for plotting to blow up British tourists. His father is serving seven years for inciting murder and racial hatred at London mosques.

Labour MP Andrew Dismore said today of Mostafa: "It beggars belief. It wasn't like he was nicked for shoplifting. It was terror offences in Yemen. You would think the Underground would be particularly sensitive to terrorism."

Brian Cooke, chairman of the passenger watchdog TravelWatch, said: "It is surprising that LU does not appear to have greater control over the reference checks of people employed by contractors." In a separate development, Hamza, 48, defied a Treasury order freezing his assets and transferred his £220,000 flat to his son.

Mostafa was only stopped from working on the Tube when colleagues recognised him and informed bosses who withdrew his pass.

LU chiefs tried to play down Mostafa's employment, saying he was allowed to work because "he has no criminal convictions in the UK".

But questions are being asked over the Tube's vetting process which was supposed to have been dramatically increased following the 7/7 atrocities.

LU pointed out that he was not Tube staff but was employed by a "minor" sub-contractor. An LU spokesman said it was up to the contractor - which he refused to name - and not LU to make criminal checks.

A spokesman said: "It seems this person was granted a permit because he has no criminal convictions in the UK and has a right to work in this country.

"The question of whether the checks were tight enough is a matter for the Government to address."

The spokesman added: "We don't do criminal checks on every single individual who comes on to London Underground." It was claimed that Mostafa had worked only for "a few weekends" on the network.

Asked if LU checked the contractors to ensure they were carrying out the specified vetting procedures, the spokesman added: "There is an assumption that criminal checks are made.î He said "spot checks" were made - but not as a regular and ongoing process.

The security blunder by the company was described as "appalling" by the father of one of the victims of the 7/7 bombings.

John Taylor, who lost his daughter Carrie, 24, in the attacks, said he was "shocked and stunned".

The security manager from Billericay said: "This man is a convicted terrorist and he has been allowed access to some of the most sensitive areas of the Tube." Mostafa had previously attempted to forge a career in rap, with lyrics describe waging holy war and carrying weapons.

He also sings of his "brothers" who vowed to die for Allah. Dubbed MC Hamza by associates, he launched Islamic group Lionz of Da Dezert last year and has played venues including Wembley Arena and Oxford university.

His father, who used to preach at the Finsbury Park mosque, was today continuing his appeal today against his conviction earlier this year.

Hamza, who has a hook for a hand after being injured in an explosion in which he also lost an eye, claims that he is the Victim(Tm) of a plot by the political establishment and police.

Errr... I should laugh at the Perfide Albion, but then again, private security and airport services are heavily manned by muslims in France, so... I wont.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-10-31