
Captain Hook : "blind muslim terror poisoned the public against me... that's so unfair"
Abu Hamza cited the terrorist attacks on New York and London as the reason why he should not be in prison, the High Court heard today. The radical Islamic cleric, jailed for seven years in February, claims the atrocities created a political climate in which it was impossible for him to receive a fair trial.

The hook-handed cleric has been widely condemned as a preacher of hate for condoning suicide bombers and claiming that many would be "jumping for joy" after the 9/11 attacks. But yesterday, he said the terror attacks were why he should be released. The radical Islamic cleric claims it was "unfair" to put him on trial for speeches he made at Finsbury Park mosque between 1997 and 2000.

Launching Hamza's appeal, Edward Fitzgerald QC said that "subsequent events" had brought a 'sea change' in the political climate and public opinion which meant no jury could look at the facts of his case without prejudice. Mr Fitzgerald argued that the police had examined copies of his speeches as long ago as 1999. Yet it was not until January this year that he faced trial. Mr Fitzgerald told the Appeal Court: "This meant that a unique series of events supervened which prejudiced his chances of a fair trial - events which included 9/11, the July 2005 bombings in London and the highly publicised decisions of the Home Secretary to strip him of his citizenship and of the United States authorities to seek his extradition. "It further meant that he was subjected to a relentless campaign of adverse media publicity condemning him as a preacher of hate and inciter of violence, and to public condemnation by political figures." He was also named as a key player in global terrorism by US president George Bush.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-10-31