
Palestinian businessmen call for interim gov't of experts
Experts! That's what we need! Why didn't we think of it sooner!
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) - A wealthy Palestinian businessman speaking in the name of the local private sector has called for an interim government of experts, pending no agreement on a national unity cabinet.
Hello? 1-800-EXPERTS? Send over all ya got...
"We propose that a government of experts be put in place to be made up of seven to 10 people," Munib al-Masri, founder of the Palestinian Development and Investment Company (Padico), told a news conference in Ramallah.
The Palestinian Development and Investment Company? I'll bet his business is off the charts. I was gonna say "booming", but...you know...
He said such a government could remain in place "for one year" in order to give Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party and the ruling Islamist movement Hamas time to agree on an as yet elusive unity cabinet.
Or wipe each other out. Both probably have lots of "experts" in that department.
"A government of experts would not be a substitute for a national unity cabinet when this is ready," he said.

The businessman said a technocratic cabinet should focus on securing services, putting an end to an international boycott levelled against the Hamas-led government for the last seven months, and reviving the economy. "We want a government able to satisfy the international community and to persuade it" to review its policy, he added.
Sure. Good luck with that...
Masri said political affairs, particularly the question of talks with Israel would be the domain of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority presidency, both headed by Abbas.

The elderly businessman, who is frequently cited as a possible candidate to head an interim professional government, said, however, that he would prefer to see such a cabinet made up of younger people.

In the absence of an agreement with Hamas, Abbas has said he would be willing to appoint a government of independent technocrats.
Posted by: tu3031 2006-10-31