
Hamas Worried About Last-Minute Israeli Rescue Operation
When will the Humiliation cease?
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

Hamas terrorists are hesitant to accept a deal for the release of their Israeli hostage for fear that the IDF is planning a last-minute rescue operation.

Quoting sources close to Hamas, the Palestinian Authority-based Ma'an news agency reported Tuesday that the terrorists holding IDF soldier Gilad Shalit have faith in their Egyptian interlocutors, but they suspect an Israeli deception. They have therefore insisted on the presence of Red Cross officials during the proposed exchange of Shalit for imprisoned Arab terrorists, the sources said. Israel has thus far refused this condition.

The captors expressed two separate fears, the sources quoted by Ma'an report. First, they want to forestall the possibility that Israel would attempt a rescue raid when Shalit is moved from his current location in Gaza to Egyptian custody. Second, the terrorists seek assurances that, if the deal goes through, released Arab prisoners will not be summarily re-arrested within a few days.

Ma'an went on to report that the intensive efforts by Egyptian negotiators in the last 48 hours have limited the dispute over the exchange of Shalit for imprisoned Arab terrorists to the issue of the oversight of the physical release of the Israeli captive.

Last week, in an interview with Israel Radio, David Hacham, a senior advisor to the defense minister, confirmed Arabic press reports stating that Israel had agreed to free terrorists in a deal for the release of Gilad Shalit.

Corporal Shalit was taken captive in a multi-pronged attack in Kerem Shalom on June 25, 2006. He is believed to currently be somewhere in Palestinian Authority-controlled Gaza, in the hands of Hamas terrorists.

According to unconfirmed reports, the Egyptian-brokered deal for the release of the IDF captive includes the release of 1,000 terrorists, many convicted of fatal terrorist attacks, and a joint Hamas-Fatah unity government. Hamas politburo leader Khaled Meshaal and Egyptian intelligence chief General Omar Suleiman met in recent days in Damascus, Syria and again in Cairo, Egypt to discuss the exchange.

Hamas sources expressed general satisfaction with the deal, saying it will be the "first prisoner exchange in the annals of Palestine to take place with the Israeli side on Palestinian lands."

In the meanwhile, Hizbullah terrorist chieftain Sheikh Nasrallah says that negotiations are underway for the release of the two captive Israelis in its hands, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. His claims have not been confirmed, however, and Israel has no knowledge as to whether the two soldiers are even alive.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-11-01