
Wellwhaddayaknow: Video Shows Nothing; No Attack by Gibbons
Partial Review of Video Shows No Proof of Alleged Attack by Rep. Gibbons
LAS VEGAS — A partial review Thursday of surveillance video from a parking garage where a woman said the Republican candidate for governor assaulted her did not reveal the presence of either person, nor of an attack.
Doesn't matter, does it? She said it. The election's next Tuesday. Therefore it must be true, at least until next Wednesday, at which time it can quietly evaporate.
A judge had ordered police to release 16 hours of surveillance video to lawyers for Rep. Jim Gibbons and Chrissy Mazzeo, who accused the candidate of pushing her against a wall inside the garage Oct. 13 and propositioning her after the two had drinks together at a nearby restaurant.

Gibbons, 61, a married, five-term congressman from Reno, has denied any impropriety and says he helped Mazzeo when she tripped while walking toward the garage. Mazzeo's accusation, now under investigation by police, has launched a media frenzy and consumed Gibbons' gubernatorial bid in the final stretch of the tight race against state Sen. Dina Titus.

Posted by: .com 2006-11-03