
"It's called message discipline, people!"
Jim Geraghty, National Review Online

From Howard Kurtz's column:

Apparently Democratic politicians aren't supposed to say anything that might challenge anyone on their side, according to blogger Jane Hamsher :

"I can see we're going to have to set up some sort of 'Democratic PR school' soon. They've become so accustomed to being George Bush's whipping posts they no longer recognize it when they have the advantage, and as the John Kerry incident demostrates they are in sore need of a few remedial lessons on how to press it when they do.

"First of all — I don't care if John Kerry was eating live babies on TV, one week out from an election you do not repeat GOP talking points. Ever.

Unfortunately, as luck would have it, at the same banquet that Kerry made his "those who don't study and aren't smart are stuck in Iraq" comments, he also got confused about the menu and actually ate a live baby. Fox News is showing the footage now. It's just, really unfortunate, a very poor slip of the tongue, and, er, teeth.

Now the important thing to remember is, no Democrat should repeat a GOP talking point that it is bad to eat a live baby.
Posted by: Mike 2006-11-03