
Gay Sheep Experiment Challenged By Tennis Champ
Ewe just can't make this stuff up . . .
Tennis champion Martina Navratilova said that there is some research going on at Oregon State University and Oregon Health and Science University that is "homophobic and cruel". Researchers there have searched for years for biological differences that might distinguish rams who mount ewes from rams who mount rams.
Have they checked their eyesight?
Researchers say roughly 5 percent to 8 percent of rams are "male-oriented." They avoid the term "gay," saying it is too human-focused.
"Well, for one thing, we've never seen a sheep that particularly enjoyed interior decorating, Broadway musicals, or had a thing for Judy Garland."
Navratilova wrote letters to the presidents of both institutions last week at the urging of PETA. The animal-rights group recently asked about 14,000 people to send e-mails opposing the experiments.
"We think it's a baaaaad idea."

Brace yourselves; the next paragraph is pure comedy gold.

Some animals in the studies are killed so researchers can study their brains. PETA said the test of sheep sexual preference that leaves the animals in a room while a ram chooses which to mount is like rape. PETA also questions Oregon State's statement that the research could help ranchers avoid spending thousands of dollars on rams that won't breed, saying it sounds like a program of sexual eugenics in animals.
"First they came for the gay sheep, and I said nothing, because . . . well, I'm not really into sheep. . . . "
Posted by: Mike 2006-11-07