
Congrats to the Dems
You & your allies in the press generated a wave of discontent with 2 years of negative drumbeats and ignoring the good things (low unemployemnt low inflation, robust economy, winning in Iraq) - and rode it in for a win. Historically, 6th years are a good year to do that. Congrats - smart play using all the tools at your disposal.

But don't take it for granted. Don't count on the Mainstream media much longer - the net is out here and has already started to eat aaway at the press's ability to shape and contain the news. Rathergate was just the beginning.

And remember how you won those formerly Republican seats (especially in Red areas, like Florida): not with Liberals like Pelosi, nor with loons like Rangel, but with moderate candidates, like Pro-Life Pro-Gun Casey in PA in the Senate, and others like that in the house. And remember some of your gains were against disgraced corrupt Republican (Foley, etc) in a red district. That's not going to be the case in 08, so you'd best stay in away from the hard left or those seats will disappear in a hurry as qualified Republicans run in a race where their name is actually on the ballot instead of a write-in.

Also observe that although your candidates won, the polls you cite and the votes reflect that it was mainly anger against Republicans, not endorsement of your policies; This was more of a vote agaisnt Republicans and thier sloth and corruption that it was for your liberal positions.

Indeed most of the campaigning I saw in my CD was against Bush and trying to link the Republican challenger to him, not *for* any particular policy point of view. For proof of the fact that the voters are philosophically different from the liberal policies the Dem Leadership has, simply look at the large margins in the anti-Gay marriage ballot initiatives that won in areas where you picked up seats, and the defeat of things like Marijuana legalization in Colorado, and so on.

And remember how the Republicans lost the House: they pissed the people off by not securing the borders and by waffling on all kinds of things and not doing much other than that. I suggest you not bet your control on doing nothing, or simply nay-saying while in power - that's the fastest way out. Or go back to what you were doing in 92, we conservatives would love you to over-regulate, tax & spend and cut the military while doing that (it would ensure a 94 style Republican landslide in 08).

And most of all, remember your Oath to Uphold and Defend the Constitution. The safety of the nation must come before all politics. And that means secure the borders so terrorists cannot smuggle weapons in here, and that you need to grow a realistic policy for defeating Islamic Fundamentalism and its terrorist components around the world. Bribing with foreign aid does not work - they are not driven by money. Running and hiding does not work, we tried that in the 90's and it got us 9/11. So maybe, now that you are in charge, you might see that we sometimes have to fight and fighting is the right thing to do.

You wanted back in, you're in. Lets see what you can do for the country. ALL of it.

Congrats - we'll be holding your feet to the fire on security, the war on Terror, and responsible politics. All we ahve to do now is point out how bad you do things (and the coming recession will get pinned on you, deserving or not) and gather a Throw the Bastards Out wave. Sound familiar?

We'll get ya next time because you can't hide behind being in the minority anymore.

I can hardly wait for 2008. We're already laying plans.

So enjoy it and we'll see ya in 2 years to tally up again.

Posted by: OldSpook 2006-11-08