
That didn't take long!: Hamas urges attacks on U.S. targets
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas' military wing called Wednesday on Muslims around the world to attack American targets following reports that an Israeli tank strike killed 18 people in the Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun.

The Hamas-led Palestinian government distanced itself from the call I'll bet you did, saying its fight was with Israel.

Hamas militants have historically directed their suicide bombings and rocket attacks only against Israeli targets.That's because they just haven't had the infrastructure in place.

"America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre of our terrorists innocent civilians and their willing human shields. Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons," Hamas' military wing said in a statement sent to The Associated Press.

But Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas-led Palestinian government, said the group had no intention of attacking American targets. Misunderstood again I assume, right? I'll go get the forms. They're already pre-filled out. All you have to do is supply the quote, the innocent English translation and naive context you'd like the world to hear, the original Arabic vitriol, forum, speaker, and date. And as you already know, please check the box indicating whether or not you'd like the MSM to ignore it or not.

Hamas' political wing, led by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, tries to distinguish itself from the military wing. But the two entities both report to the group's exiled leadership, based in Syria, and frequently coordinate with each other. Thanks so much. I couln't have figured that out for myself.

Palestinian witnesses and officials said earlier Wednesday that Israeli tank shells had crashed into a residential neighborhood, killing at least 18 people, including eight children, in their sleep. If I know the Israelis I'll bet they had a good reason. Talk to the buttwipe who I'll bet a dollar to a dog turd fired the RPG from the rooftop. And talk to his bosses, too.

Haniyeh said efforts to form a national unity government with moderate President Mahmoud Abbas were suspended because of the attack. Yeah, right. Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered the army to halt artillery attacks in Gaza.

But an Israeli government spokesman said Israel will continue its operations in Gaza aimed at halting Palestinian rocket attacks. Ah, some straight facts for a change.

"Our battle is against the occupation on the Palestinian land. We have no interest to transfer the battle," Hamad said, though he called America indirectly responsible for Wednesday's bloodshed because of its support for Israel. Pick one and let us know.

"We urge the Arab nation and the governments of the Arab countries to protest the world's silence and the American bias," he said. The world is silent for a reason. And don't worry, the MSM here is doing a fine job for you.

The U.S., like Israel, considers Hamas a terrorist group. The rest of the planet to follow one of these years if they figure it out in time.
Posted by: Spereper Ebbang8087 2006-11-08