
Sobering Thoughts on Afghanistan/Iraq
Oak Leaf at Polipundit with thoughts on what should follow this election:
I am writing this on Monday evening at 1700 GMT for publication long after the polls have closed on Tuesday but with the results probably still unknown. I wanted to write this while my thoughts were still fresh and prior to the election itself.

Many know that I am a reservist and recently went on a short tour in SW Asia. My duties have been varied largely along the lines of “special projects.” Currently I have been assisting in a Civil Affairs Function in Afghanistan because of a prior tour in that capacity.

This morning, I met with community leaders in a typical Afghanistan village. After our business was conducted, I was surprised by their interest in our election. While their knowledge of the mechanics of our election was on par with Americans understanding elections in Canada, they were keenly interested.

The first point that they made was this election was “between President Bush’s party and those that want to abandon Iraq.” That caught me off guard and I had to verify with my translator that “abandon” was the correct translation.

They next expressed that the Taliban would be emboldened by an Iraq pullout and that co-operation between the Afghani People and American/NATO forces would come to a halt. You have to realize that the Afghani People have little choice here. The moment they sense the mere possibility/suggestion of American Forces leaving, they will realign themselves with the Taliban. Further, the Taliban will effectively exploit American “redeployment from” Iraq. I left that exchange shaken, something that I have never felt before.

So where does all this leave America, our friends in SW Asia, my friends in Afghanistan, my uniformed comrades and myself?

Lets assume that as this blog is published, Democrats have gained control of the House. They have already stated their “position” on Iraq. The best case is that they will force our hand ans simply push a complete withdrawal from Iraq. The worse case is that they will slowly force our hand to withdrawal by cutting funding piece by piece.

What is my position at that point? If Democrats have gained control of the House, I will do everything in my soul so that we simply and immediately withdrawal completely from Iraq and not redeploy to Okinawa, but to redeploy to the United States since it will make no difference if we have troops in Okinawa or the United States. The “Okinawa Plan” is old timer thinking by Murtha and alike. Also, at that point the withdrawal needs to be complete and prompt as American Forces will be constantly targeted once the Democrats have played their hand.

Further, because every action we take in Iraq has consequences in Afghanistan, a prompt redeployment from that area will also need to take place. Our only tool in that region is the trust of the Afghan People and that trust will falter due to the fear of the Taliban.

If the Democrats are in power and want a “pullout” fine, lets do it and do it right and that is a complete withdrawal from SW Asia. My friends, there is no other choice, a deal can not be made where we do anything part way. It is all or nothing and that is the sad reality. The “final failure” of Vietnam was the “long withdrawal” after Congress became intent on the idea of pulling out. That mistake must not be made again. I ask my fellow conservatives to help make sure the troops are brought home and they are brought home now.
He may be right. Maybe GWB should call the Democrats on their bluff. Withdraw immediately and wait to see what happens next. Maybe this will help improve relations with America's "allies". Maybe terrorists will stop attacking us on our own soil. There's only one way to find out if the Democratic prescription works. And that's to try it out.
Posted by: Zhang Fei 2006-11-08