
Live from Ramadi: The Enemy of My Enemy
by Jules Crittenden, Boston Herald

During a lull between smart bombings, Jihadi sniper post 13, Ramadi.

Achmed: My brothers did you see this news?A great victory!The Pelosi has defeated the Bush of Amerikiyah!

Farouk: But Achmed, why do we care when the Christian dogs squabble among themselves?

Achmed: Because the enemy of my friend ... no, wait ... the friend of my brother-in-law ... no, thatÂ’s not it ...

Ali: ... The enemy of my enemy is my friend, you donkey.It is like listening to the chattering of gerbils.Yes, brothers, this is a great victory.The Democrat Pelosi has delivered the Mother of All Thumpings to al-Bush, of the Republican tribe.I have seen it on the CNN. Al-Bush has even fired the Rum-esfeld war criminal, who will soon be sent to the hated Crusader gulag of Guantanamo!

Farouk: So ... al-Pelosi is our friend!


Achmed: By the beard of the Prophet!That pork-eating infidel of a Marine is getting better!

Ali, picking himself up from the floor: Well, Farouk, it is true al-Pelosi is very useful, and she is the enemy of our enemy. Soon, the "Why Do They Hate Us" Commission will be formed to study the crimes of the Cheney-Bush.And then, these Crusader Ameriki boots will no longer soil the ... er ... soil of Iraq.They will be gone!This makes the Pelosi our friend.

Farouk: Ali, why do they hate us?

Achmed: Incoming, my brothers!


Ali, dusting himself off: Farouk, you goat, it is WE who hate THEM!

Farouk: Even this Pelosi?But if the Crusader boots are to be gone, can we not then join the dhimmi in singing "Kumbaya."

Ali: No. No "Kumbaya" singing.

Farouk: But Ali, I like this song. It is fun to sing!

Go read it all . . .
Posted by: Mike 2006-11-10