
Al-Qaida suspects killed
(KUNA) -- Spokesman for the Iraqi defense ministry announced Friday the killing of leader of Al-Qaida organization in Rawah neighborhood, 175 miles northwest of here. Commander Abu Muhayyam al-Masri, whose name, like that of the group's overall leader, is a pseudonym meaning "the Egyptian" and his aide Abu Isam al-Libi were killed in an attack launched by the Iraqi seventh brigade soldiers west of the city of Ramadi, the Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammad Al-Askari said. Earlier Askari told Kuna that Abu Zaid al-Suri or "the Syrian" was arrested along with nine other members. The official said al-Suri confessed to organizing at least one suicide bombing in Baghdad. He said the raid also netted a large quantity of weapons.
Posted by: Fred 2006-11-11