
Kashmir rebel suspect threw grenade for money
Srinagar: A suspected rebel said yesterday he was paid $20 (Dh73) to throw a grenade during Friday prayers in Indian-administered Kashmir that killed five people including four children.
Blood money, and not much of it, not even in Kashmir.
Police said Ghulam Nabi Mir belonged to Hizbul Mujahideen, a rebel group which is fighting for Kashmir's merger with Pakistan. It has denied involvement in the attack and said Indian security agencies were behind it.
"Wudn't us. It wuz [spit!] them!"
"I threw it. They gave me Rs1,000 ($20)," Mir, who looked to be in his late 20s, told reporters in the presence of police. "Forgive my mistake. I wouldn't make such a mistake again."
I'd be surprised if he was given the opportunity to do it again, but then, I've been surprised pretty often in the past five years, to the point where I'm not surprised when I'm surprised anymore.
Mir was captured by villagers immediately after the attack in the Tahab area of Pulwama district south of Srinagar and handed over to police.
"Get 'im!"
"Ouch! Ouch! Oooch! Stop it! You're hurting me!"
"Somebody call the cops!"

Posted by: Fred 2006-11-12