
ISAF pursuit of arrest opportunity
Wali Mohammad Ibrimiki, wanted narco trafficker and bomb cell mastermind, was shot dead by ISAF forces with support from Afghan police as he resisted arrest in Stin village, Balkh province on Wednesday.

ISAF troops and Afghan security forces, enroute to checking on a local police station attacked the night before, identified Ibrimiki in the street and immediately improvised a plan for his arrest. During the course of the attempted arrest, Ibrimiki tried to reach the cover of his armed compound by using an innocent bystander as a human shield.

ISAF personnel acted decisively and within rules of engagement to protect the life of the civilian and to eliminate the imminent threat posed by Ibrimiki and his armed compound.

“Troops and police have a moral duty to take decisive action on the spot against known enemies of the people, that’s what happened here,” said Maj. Luke Knittig, the ISAF Spokesman.
Posted by: Theaper Glinesh5919 2006-11-13