
Chuck's going to step down August 11th. Really.
Liberian President Charles Taylor will step down on August 11, Ghana's foreign minister Addo Akufo Addo said after meeting the embattled Liberian leader.
"Really. This time he means it... Yep. Yep."
The Ghanaian minister and other envoys from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) had travelled to Monrovia to tell Taylor to step down and head into exile.
"Well, yeah. We mean it. But he'll go along..."
Nigeria has offered him political asylum if he agrees to resign his post and allow international mediators to broker an agreement to end Liberia's latest bout of civil war. A 1,500-strong advance guard of Nigerian peacekeepers is due to start arriving in Monrovia on Monday, and ECOWAS had given Taylor an ultimatum that he must leave office within three days of the soldiers' arrival.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-02