
Iran suggests Qaeda-Khalq swap
Iran wants the United States to hand over members of an Iranian opposition movement in return for any al Qaeda figures it extradites to Washington, the New York Times said on Saturday.
Hokay. You got first.
The newspaper quoted a US official as saying Washington had approached Tehran with a request for the handover of Al Qaeda members in Iranian custody. But the approach, relayed through the Swiss embassy that handles US interests in Tehran, did not include any proposed swap and the US “did not receive a positive response”, the Times quoted the official as saying. A senior Bush administration official said the US would reject any kind of swap for members of the Mujahideen Khalq.
Dump them if the trade's good. No skin off our collective fore. That's one of the risks of being in the Armed Struggle™ business, innit?

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-03