
Socialism Presented as Rational Public Policy Proposals
(EFMIP)Edited for the more insane parts

Note to mods: I like the accordian lady!

Sorry, she's booked for pending announcements on dead bad boys.
Beginning with this post, I will lay out a series of suggestions that we as citizens and consumers might do well to ponder and pursue. Taken together, these suggestions will, I would hope, be helpful in shaping dialogue in Washington and point us toward a rational energy future. In brief, here is what I would like to propose:

• Create a National Oil Trust to oversee our still-undeveloped and hugely significant energy resources.
Translation: No more oil leases on federal lands, Ever.
• Clamp down on oil-industry royalty and depreciation practices that shortchange American taxpayer, fatten oil company profits and deprive the nation of a clear and significant revenue stream that could be dedicated to programs reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
This suggestion is a hoot. The writer is an expert in leftist polemics writing as if oil companies, their investors and emoplyees aren't taxpayers, thereby suggesting that anyone who agrees with the writer is exclusively a taxpayer. I'll take a pass on this. If "alternative fuel" sources can't come into the market by market rules, then they aren't an alternative, now are they? More proof that liberalism is based on contradictions and lies.
• High oil prices transfer enormous wealth to malign regimes, funds terrorism and insurgencies around the world placing our nation at great geo-political risk. Efforts must be made to bring down the price of oil starting with far greater transparency and oversight to energy trading markets to prevent price manipulation.
I got an idea on how to bring down the price of fuel Elimnate/cut federal taxes from the wellhead to the fuel pump. That way not only will be price of gas plummet but it would be good for the economy as well. Of course what's good for the economy isn't good for the socialst scheme this fella proposes.
• Make transparent the oil industry's monetary contributions and lobbying initiatives that are designed to influence government energy policy.
The monetary contributions which fund the left's pet projects which also influence government energy policy will be exempt, of course.
• Restructure the Interior Department to eliminate deep seated oil-industry favoritism.
Translation: more environMENTALists.
• Assure that the Energy Department end its acquiescence of OPEC and begins to take a more cogent and pro-active policy when they and other suppliers insist on playing monopoly games by colluding to cut supplies to drive up their prices and profits.
Allow me to render that sentance. When ever the left has a bald faced socialist scheme they can't define it in anything less than 25 word, it usually translates into: Raise taxes and write targeted regulations.
• Revoke the sovereign immunity of OPEC suppliers, thus opening them to antitrust charges.
The law is a crappy instrument for dealing with monopolies. The market is much more efficient.
Revoke 'sovereign immunity' of OPEC suppliers? Does that mean we can invade Saoodi-controlled Arabia?
• Mount a full-scale drive to achieve energy independence by backing the full gamut of alternative fuel sources including conservation initiatives, citizen initiated lifestyle changes and tax support for hybrid vehicles.
Raise taxes, spend money on money losing non market viable "alternatives." After **==>Forty years<==** of this mantra you'd think we'd get by now that alternatives don't work and they won't work in the marketplace.
• Consider introducing consumer vouchers for gasoline, diesel and other oil related products as a way to reduce their usage by establishing a national cap on their consumption. With a voucher program in place we would have the added benefit of a system extant to quickly and fairly allocate energy resources were a major oil shock ever to occur.
Translation: Rationing. That means the writer just contradicted himself, by first advocating policies to lower prices and then later in the same article advocating policies that will raise prices. Proof yet again that liberalism/socialism is based on a contradiction, any contradiction, and its basic premises cannot be realized without expressing such contradictions in some form.
I will sketch out the thinking behind each of these propositions in the days ahead. Do stay tuned.I'll be on pins and needles waiting for the next one!
Posted by: badanov 2006-11-17