
The Militant Ideology Atlas (pdf)
Hat Tip: Robert J. Avrech @ Seraphic Secret
EFL - This is just a tidbit
The Militant Ideology Atlas identifies the most influential thinkers in the Jihadi Movement (see appendices) and delineates the movementÂ’s key ideological vulnerabilities.* It situates the Jihadi Movement within the various Muslim constituencies that Jihadi leaders seek to influence and persuade. These constituencies can be envisioned as a series of nesting circles (Diagram 1: Jihadi Constituencies). Each constituency is responsive to leaders in the broader constituencies of which it is a part, but each also has its own set of thinkers that are best positioned to influence their base.
The largest constituency is comprised of Muslims, people who follow the QurÂ’an and the example of Muhammad. This includes Sunnis (people who follow the example of the Prophet) and Shi`is (people who follow the example of the Prophet and his descendents through his son-in-law Ali), and ranges from secularists to fundamentalists.
Most here at Rantburg won't find anything suprising - but it provides a nice list of who's who in jihadi literature.
Posted by: Chuck 2006-11-18