
Ahmadinejad describes Bush as evil
The Iranian president described US President George W Bush as “evil” on Wednesday, adding that justice requires that Iran face down US arrogance, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a group of clerics, “the evil president of the US visited Indonesia and you saw how people of Indonesia opposed the thoughts of this person.”

“We will first have to break the horn of the big head so that justice can be done,” said Ahmadinejad, referring to US-led Western pressure over his country’s disputed nuclear programme. To “break the horn of the big head” is a Fares expression for blunting arrogant behaviour.

“Some bullying countries impose their illegal demands on independent and free countries while enjoying the support of some international organisations, which they founded for defending their own interests,” said Ahmadinejad, lashing out at the US and the United Nations, where Security Council members have deliberated imposing punitive measures on Iran for its nuclear programme. The Iranian president’s launched his latest tirade against the United States as Iran’s request for assistance to build a heavy water reactor appeared that it would be rejected. Diplomats at a 35-nation meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog agency on Tuesday said that many of Tehran’s allies favoured denying the request.
Posted by: Fred 2006-11-23