
Arab Papers: Israel & Its Allies Only Beneficiary from Assassination of Gemayel
Riiight. It hadda be them evil, sneaky, Joooooos. (Typical Arab logic. Salt to taste).
No one could be benefited from assassination of Lebanese Minister of Industry Pierre Gemayel but Israel and its conniver allies, Egyptian daily 'al-Akhbar' said Friday, adding  that  ''there is no interpretation to what is going on in Lebanon but it is a work of  intelligence apparatus of big states allied with Israel,"

The paper added in an article written by Jalal Dwidar" through this crime they wanted to destabilize Lebanon and abort the feeling of victory and defeating the Israeli military machine as well as to accuse Syria of committing such crime that no reason or logic pushes her to do that,"
" The reasonable thing is that those who committed the crime aimed at confusing the opposition and preventing them to peacefully demonstrate to pressure the Lebanese government in addition to stirring up sedition to open the door to a civil war inside Lebanon that is still suffering impacts of the Israeli late attack.''

" What the Lebanese arena is witnessing is no more than one chapter of the tragic series the Arab Nation is living. Israel has succeeded  to sow seeds of partition and discord among political powers as long as it failed attain any goal through its destructive war on Lebanon ." the paper asserted.

The paper concluded by stressing that what is going on couldn't be spontaneous. There are hidden hands and certain parties that are interested in keeping the Arab region in a constant restless and confusion state to cover what they perpetrate and plot to.

In Tunisia, Tunisian 'al-Sarih' newspaper said that "the Israeli Mosad stands behind the series of assassinations in Lebanon starting from assassination of Premier Rafik Hariri reaching to assassination of  Lebanese Minister of Industry Pierre Gemayel to stir up sedition among the Lebanese themselves and between Lebanese and their Arab brothers, "

" The UN Security Council resolution of setting up international is a US and Israeli decision for sticking charges with those who stand against Israel's interests in the region ," the paper mentioned.

'Assabah' paper for its part, held the March 14 forces the responsibility of stirring up sedition, warning that internationalization doesn't serve Lebanon's interests.
Posted by: Scooter McGruder 2006-11-26