
U.S. Civilian Killed in Blast Near Tikrit
An American civilian was killed today when the mail truck he was driving was blown up by a homemade explosive north of the town of Tikrit. The employee, working for KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was driving in an area still regarded as a war zone by military officials and near the hometown of Saddam Hussein. The civilian, who was not identified, was taken to a nearby military hospital, where he died. Military officials here said the truck had been struck by an "improvised explosive device," military parlance for the homemade bombs that have been used in attacks against American forces. Often, the bombs have been detonated by remote control. The employee appears to be the first civilian worker engaged in the rebuilding effort to be killed in Iraq since President Bush declared an end to combat operations on May 1. Other foreign civilians have died here, including foreign journalists and an employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-06