
GNP to Chiefly Blame for Jong Mong Hon’s Death
Looks like CSI:Pyongyang is on the case.They’ll get to the bottom of it.
A spokesman for the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee released a statement on august 4 as regards the sudden death of Jong Mong Hon, chairman of Hyundai Asan of south Korea. Recalling that Jong Mong Hon left inerasable marks in the history of the reunification movement of the Korean nation through non-governmental cooperation in various fields including tour of Mt. Kumgang as a pioneer of the inter-Korean cooperation, the statement said that his death, in fact, can not be regarded as a suicide. It was murder committed by the sword called "special inspection" illegally engineered by the Grand National Party of south Korea displeased with the development of the inter-Korean relations, the statement noted, and continued: We bitterly denounce the GNP in the name of the whole Korean nation for such political murder.
They sound pissed. How bad did this hit them in the pocketbook?
The murder of the man who started the tour of Mt. Kumgang, a symbol of the inter-Korean cooperation, put the cooperation projects between the north and the south including the tour of Mt. Kumgang at an unpredictable peril.
Oh, no! Not the tour of Mt. Kumgang!
What the hell is Mt. Kumgang?

The GNP is chiefly to blame for his death as it has challenged the development of inter-Korean relations with the "special inspection" and it should, therefore, apologize to the nation for its irrevocable consequences.
Again, how much are they out now that this guy’s gone?
Jong Mong Hon, who worked so hard to show Mt. Kumgang, the famous mountain of the nation, to the south Korean brothers and sisters is no longer with them to our sorrow. This compels us to suspend the tour of Mt. Kumgang for a certain period including the mourning period with profound grief over his death, we think.
I can’t think of a more fitting tribute. The Norks really go all out don’t they? Will Kimmie send an extra big flower basket?
There may be painful sacrifices and difficulties on the road of national reconciliation and unity, cooperation and reunification. Nothing, however, can stop our dynamic advance to achieve the reunification of the country and the prosperity common to the nation by the concerted efforts of the nation under the uplifted banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
This is relevant to this story...how?
Posted by: tu3031 2003-08-06