
OT: Great clipboard utility for posters
Found this yesterday and wanted to share it, as it makes posting articles on Rantburg pretty slick. It’s called "CopyPaste", and it gives you a multiple-entry clipboard capability (like in OfficeXP, only applicable to ALL your apps). The download is free, and I believe it’s honorware (shareware which, if you keep it, you’re morally obligated to pay for).

Works like this:
Highlight something and click CTRL+C like usual, only before you let up on the CTRL key click a number key, e.g. "1". Do the same with another, different entry.

Then, to paste, click CTRL+V and the number (while holding down CTRL).

No more opening Notepad or a separate instance of the browser to post a new article, as you can keep both the article and its URL in memory.
Posted by: Dar 2003-08-06