
Private road named for Muslim is focus of Christian group's bid
RED HOUSE -- If you want to know the history of the Muslims of America community in Charlotte County, just flip through the 2-inch-thick file at the county administrator's office.

A county employee started collecting various articles and filings years ago in response to the many inquiries about the Muslim enclave in western Charlotte County. It is a compilation of a relationship that one professor noted shortly after the community's establishment was bound to have conflict because of the "culture shock" on the part of the local residents and the Muslims.

The community -- or compound, as a federal prosecutor called it -- was established in the mid-1990s on 44 acres in this rural county of about 12,400 people. Most of the homes there are trailers, and about 20 families were estimated to live there several years ago.

Early on, county officials pushed community residents to correct zoning violations, local residents complained about its effect on property values and the Muslims complained they were victims of discrimination.
They always do, even with zoning laws.

Posted by: Steve White 2006-12-01