
Olmert vs. Security Chiefs on Ceasefire Extension
by Hana Levi Julian

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wants to extend the partial ceasefire with Gaza terrorist groups to Judea and Samaria. Security officials are warning against the move.

A partial ceasefire between Gaza terrorists and Israel went into effect early Sunday morning, but terrorists Friday morning continued to break the truce and attack western Negev communities.

The latest attack sent a Kassam rocket slamming into an open area in southern Israel on Friday morning. No one was injured and no damage was reported.

Terrorists have fired 14 Kassam rockets at Israel since the start of the truce, according to the IDF. Israel has not responded to the attacks.

Despite the continued violations, Olmert said Thursday he wants to reduce – and possibly end – IDF operations in Judea and Samaria. He conditioned the plan on a complete cessation of attacks from Gaza, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev.

Security officials said Friday they strongly oppose the move, according to Israel Radio. They emphasized that the IDF operations are meant to stop bombings that are often more deadly than Kassam rocket attacks from Gaza.

Meanwhile, terror attacks on IDF troops continue unabated in Judea and Samaria.

A PA terrorist Friday morning hurled a firebomb at a Border Police officer near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The officer was lightly injured in the attack. IDF soldiers returned fire and killed the attacker, later finding a knife on his body.

Violence among rival terrorist groups also continues within Gaza as well. An explosion at the entrance to a Gaza branch of the Arab Bank rocked the Palestinian Authority neighborhood early Friday. The explosion damaged part of the building, according to PA security sources quoted by the Reuters news service. The attackers were not identified.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-12-01