
Fascist jackals Protestors disrupt Tancredo Speech
Protestors at a Michigan law school turned violent Thursday as they attempted to stop a speech by Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Littleton. (Post)Violence erupted at a Michigan law school Thursday when protestors tried to block a speech by Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo. Police were called after protestors pulled a fire alarm prior to the speech on immigration policies.
Free lunch speech for me but not for thee.
There were at least three violent incidents with protestors targeting student backers of the event, Tancredo, R-Littleton, said today.
If conservative students did this to a terror shill it would be front page news all over the world.
"One was spit on, one was kicked, and one was punched," Tancredo said in an e-mail. "Tires were also slashed."
But don't dare suggest a boycott of some leftist pig's movies and records.
This is the adolescent left's notion of self-expression.

Michigan State University College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom sponsored the event.

Tancredo went to Michigan State University College of Law as part of a visit to the state to talk about immigration. He leads the group that opposes legal status for illegal immigrants. Protestors interrupted the speech with loud shouting.
More evidence of the left's intellectual superiority.
College newspaper The State News reported that protesters carried signs reading "Ignorant Racist" outside the room where the speech was held. They were not allowed in with the signs, the paper said.
"Yeah, we was denied our consitutional right to disrupt the speech, man. Power to the people!"
It also reported that about 40 people attended the speech.
With at least 2 assaulted by the leftist rodents, that gives a 5% casualty rate, not counting the tires. Ever wonder why these herd-beasts support gun-control?
Tancredo said in the email that protestors organized on the Internet social networking site Facebook. "They declared ahead of time on facebook that they would not allow me to speak," Tancredo said in the e-mail.
In a just world this would get them hauled into jail for conspiracy to violate civil rights, but in a just world these vermin would already be extinct.
Tancredo also is meeting with the Republican state party chair, members of the state legislature, and is speaking at a fundraiser for a Republican women's group, Tancredo spokesman Carlos Espinosa said.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2006-12-01