
Key Bali bomb suspect hails Jakarta hotel blast
A key suspect on trial for the Bali bombings on Wednesday hailed a powerful blast in Jakarta that killed up to 10 people, before launching a verbal attack on Australians. Asked by reporters how he felt about the Tuesday bombing at the JW Marriott Hotel, Imam Samudra said: "I am happy, thanks be to God, even more so if those who did it are Muslims." He was speaking as he left the court, where he had appeared as a witness in one of the Bali bombing trials. Samudra indicated he hoped the victims were Jews.
"Yeah! Jews with big noses! I hates Jews!"
He also launched a broadside at Australia, which lost nearly 90 nationals among the 202 dead in the October 2002 Bali bombings. "Go to hell Australia. Where are the Australians?" he said in broken English.
"I hates Australians, too!"

I do hope the Australians plan on putting this guy's date with the firing squad on national teevee, though I suspect they won't. They just don't know how to hate people like practicing Islamists do.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-07