
Westboro Baptist Church chased away from soldier's funeral
11/30/2006 - Those religious nut bags at the Westboro Baptist Church were not welcome at this funeral for a soldier who died in Iraq. They are pretty much running for their lives and trying to drive away as fast as possible. This crowd would have torn them limb from limb.


This gang is not a church at all, of course. It is a sado-masochistic lawyer cult whose membership is limited to one family; the disbarred shyster and longtime Democrat activist Fred Phelps, eleven of his thirteen children, and their assorted children and spouses.

I've always wondered how the Phelps cult gets the money for its various activities. Granted, nine of the thirteen Phelps children are lawyers, four of them with cushy state jobs at the Kansas Department of Corrections; but it is still hard to account for how they can afford to have two or three different groups traveling around the country all the time. At one point, before the 2003 invasion, they even went to Iraq to join one of Saddam Hussein's anti-American demonstrations.

There is some money behind this and it is not from someone who has any respect for Christian principles.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2006-12-02