
200,000 call for Lebanon's 'US puppet' to go
Just a tad shy of the 1/4 of Leb population (1Mn) the hyperventilating ass-kissers blathered about yesterday - and probably still an exaggeration. BUT... it does show just how fucked Lebanon is - these are Hezb minions. Sad - CedarGrrl has no future in her future.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to Beirut’s streets today in a Hizbollah-led demonstration aimed at toppling the government of the beleaguered prime minister, Fouad Siniora.

A week after vast numbers attended the funeral of the murdered industry minister, Pierre Gemayel, Beirut was a flood of colour again as a sea of Lebanese flags blanketed the downtown area.

Hizbollah had planned demonstrations last week, but postponed them after the assassination of Mr Gemayel, the sixth anti-Syrian figure to be killed in two years.

The 200,000-strong crowds included supporters of Hizbollah, its fellow-Shia Amal party, the Christian faction led by Michel Aoun and supporters of Emile Lahoud, the Syrian-backed president.

But although the colours of various political factions were on display, the predominant symbol was Lebanon’s green cedar tree emblazoned on a red and white flag, a sign that Hizbollah wanted the rally to project the sentiments of a nation.
Yup, don't show the Hezb flag - folks might misunderstand.
The Iranian- and Syrian-backed Shia militant group has branded Mr Siniora a puppet of the United States, and is calling for his cabinet to be replaced by a new government that will give Hizbollah’s allies sufficient representation to effectively yield veto-power.

“I call on the prime minister and his ministers to quit,” shouted Mr Aoun to the crowds, speaking on behalf of the opposition.
Does this "quit" thingy include the Prez, too?
“Siniora out, we want a free government,” chanted the crowd in response.
Free. Heh.
Mr Aoun called on the people to “continue the sit-in until we reach our goals” of installing a new unity government.
"We want Pencilneck!"
"We want Pencilneck!"
"We want Pencilneck!"
Purdy catchy.

Demonstrators had been transported to the capital from all over Lebanon by bus and, although many returned home last night, several thousand remained for an indefinite sit-in around the prime minister’s Grand Serail office.

White tents were set up on roads leading to the Ottoman-style building, and mattresses, blankets, food and water were laid on for those who planned to stay the night.

“I’ll stay here for as long as it takes,” said Rahida Eliast, the 21-year-old student’s orange bandanna identifying her as a supporter of Mr Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement.

“I don’t care where I sleep, and I don’t care what I eat. I just want to see this government brought down.”
"I'm a Patriot! We all are! We want Pencilneck!"
Armoured personnel carriers could be heard through the streets of the capital early yesterday as hundreds of combat troops were deployed to strategic positions around the prime minister’s office.

Inside the building, Mr Siniora, who has pledged he will not resign, was holed up with several cabinet ministers, attempting to go about his daily schedule and ignore the huge protests outside.

Hundreds of Hizbollah “discipline men” dressed in civilian clothes, and armed only with distinctive grey and white caps and walkie-talkies, were positioned alongside Lebanese soldiers at newly-laid razor-wire fences surrounding the building to ensure that the protests stayed peaceful.
They've gone "pro". Might be good enough for ANSWER work, now.
Sheikh Naim Kassem, Hizbollah’s deputy chief, said: “This government will not take Lebanon to the abyss. We have steps if this government does not respond.”
Steps. I'll bet they do.
Mr Siniora’s supporters claim that Hizbollah and its allies are attempting to stage a coup to bring down the government in order to torpedo an international tribunal to try the suspected killers of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister, last year.

Although Damascus denied any involvement, protests that followed the killing prompted Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon.
"Us involved? Perish the thought! We want Pencilneck! We want Pencilneck!"
Margaret Beckett, the Foreign Secretary, arrived in Beirut last night for a 24-hour visit.
Try the veal, Mags.
Posted by: .com 2006-12-02