
Influential Terrorists Liquidated in Chechnya
Apparently the Russian for Wahhabi is wakhabit. Shh. Be vewy, vewy quiet. I’m hunting wakhabits.
Last weekend a secret operation was conducted in Chechnya’s third largest city of Argun with participation of Ramzan Kadyrov’s security service, soldiers of the rifle company under the command of Chechnya deputy military commandant Sulim Yamdayev and a group of the Chechen special purpose police unit. The secret operation targeted leaders of the local and newly come Wakhabits who get finance and directives directly from Shamil Basayev. Sulim Yamdayev says the secret operation was conducted by several mobile groups; several influential "shaitans" were liquidated during the operation.
Liquidating shaitans. I think I saw that at a tent revival once.
When the special forces that conducted the operation checked one of the addresses that were to be visited during the operation, they were a success there. In the framework of the operation the special forces caught a gathering of Wakhabit amirs where the people were planning a takeover of Argun. There were 15 bandits present at the gathering, including Movladi Udugov’s subordinate Ismail Eskiyev and Shamil Basayev’s people, field commanders Isa Askhabov and Rashid Manayev. It was planned to catch the extremists alive as they were involved in recruiting of terrorists and in organization of Wakhabit sorties in the mountainous regions, in Grozny and Argun. What is more, the Wakhabits from Argun were responsible for training of female suicide terrorists. The building where the gathering took place was surrounded, but the amirs showed violent resistance. A fighting broke out when the special forces used grenade cup discharges and the Shmel flame throwers. The building took fire; majority of the Wakhabits were liquidated. Basayev’s three guerillas were arrested, and now the people are testifying. Unfortunately, one of the Wakhabit ideologists, Abdul-Khalim managed to escape.
When the Russkies decide to liquidate you, they don’t mess around. Unfortunately, the brains of the gang got away. It’s wakhabit season!
Posted by: 11A5S 2003-08-07