
Hamas to blame for failure of unity government talks: Solana
There's a really good reason why this twit is the head of some EU thingy or other - it's cuz he's fucking brilliant! Relatively speaking, that is. Sheesh.
Gaza - European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana on Saturday blamed the governing Islamic movement Hamas for the breakdown in talks on a Palestinian national unity government.
Damn! And we were sooo close, too.
Solana, who met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza, told a joint press conference afterwards that Abbas was not responsible for the political impasse in the Palestinian territories. 'We believe that the responsibility for this failure is not on the president ... it is the failure of the others,' said Solana, praising the 'tremendous efforts' made by the Palestinian president to establish a new, more moderate government.
Yep. Abbas is fucking brilliant, too.
Solana said Abbas would have to find another way to regain international support. 'He has now to take another important decision and I can say very clearly that he can count on us (the European Union),' Solana said.
We're there for ya, man. *sniff*
Abbas has been trying to form a government composed of Hamas and his Fatah party, but has been unable to persuade Hamas to accept conditions laid down by the Mideast Quartet (the US, Russia, the EU and the UN) for ending the international blockade on the Palestinian Authority.
The "blockade" thingy is kinda growing on me. I think we should just make it permanent. That'd save time and the cost of lunch, later.
Hamas is refusing to recognize the State of Israel, recognize past interim agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinians and condemn the use of violence by Palestinian militants.
I think I see the problem... well, one of them, anyway.
The latest round of talks between Abbas and Hamas broke down on Thursday.
I missed that. This is like, what, the 537th time... this week?
Who would bother to count that high?
Given Hamas' refusal to budge on these issues, Solana warned 'the situation will continue.'
And the brilliance just won't stop... I gotta wear shades.
Abbas, for his part, merely told reporters that they 'were studying options that would end our people's suffering.'
Uh huh.
Posted by: .com 2006-12-03