
Death sentence for Amrozi
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AN Indonesian court has found accused Bali bomber Amrozi guilty and sentenced him to death. The verdict came after seven hours of court proceedings today. Amrozi was led into the Bali court just after 9am local time (11am AEST), defiantly shouting "God is great"
No, God is a term Christians use, and is an English word. He is not Christian, he shouted Allah is Great. Allahu Akhbar or some variant on that theme. I really hate media spin.
six times as he shook his fist towards the benches, where his lawyers answered with similar calls. But the Bali bombing suspect, known since his arrest as the "smiling assassin", looked nervous and uncomfortable as he sat shackled before the judges.
Yar wipe that smile off his dial!
It's the thought of all those muzzle blasts...
A mood of quiet anger enveloped victims and their families as Indonesian judges began reading what is the first verdict in the Bali bombing trials. Amrozi eventually sat calmly as he waited to hear whether he will live or die for his part in the terrorist blasts which took 202 lives, 88 of them Australian, on the resort island last October. Amrozi, wearing his customary long white shirt and green Muslim skullcap, stroked his thin beard and moustache as judges began reading a summary of evidence in his trial, which began on May 12. At one point his attention seemed to wander and he read a piece of paper.
Bored by it all, no doubt.
Security outside the court in the Bali capital Denpasar was intense following Tuesday’s deadly hotel bombing in Jakarta, which has been blamed on the Jemaah Islamiyah group responsible for the Bali attack. About 300 armed police and 250 local guards, carrying traditional curved daggers known as kris, were posted around the court. Cars and motorbikes were banned from the area. Judges were expected to take several hours reading a summary of the evidence before delivering their verdict. Other key suspects, including two of his brothers, will also face a verdict in the coming weeks. Amrozi, 41, has expressed only satisfaction at the death of scores of western holidaymakers in what he called "dens of vices", namely Paddy’s Bar and the Sari Club in the popular tourist nightspot of Kuta.
I really think death is a lenient sentence for this scum
Some 20 Australian victims of the blasts or their relatives were in court to see justice done. Among them was Brad Phillips, seven of whose friends from an Australian football team died in the blasts. He himself was injured in the Sari Club bombing.
They were the Coogie Dolphins: two beaches down from me.
Asked about Amrozi’s possible sentence, Phillips said: "The death penalty for him will perhaps make us feel better."
It'll make sure he doesn't scamper off to join up with al-Ghozi to do it again, won't it?
Along with the 164 westerners killed, 38 Indonesians also died and scores more were injured. "I am very angry at him (Amrozi). I hope he gets what he deserves," said 19-year-old Balinese woman Luh Januari, whose father was killed. Also expected to hear a verdict in coming weeks is the attack’s alleged field commander Imam Samudra. Samudra’s brother Lulu Jamaluddin was questioned by police after he entered the court. He apparently did not have a tag indicating his bags had been inspected.
Never forgive, Never forget.
Posted by: Anon1 2003-08-07