
Air America, Back As Reanimated Corpse?
(via The Radio Equalizer)
Would you buy a bankrupt, three- year- old radio network that has already burned through enough cash to make a circa- 1999 Seattle dot-com run by teenagers look downright frugal? How about one that has generated mountains of bad press, is rapidly dropping affiliates and may soon lose its primary star?

Fine, we'll go ahead and scratch your name off the list, but any assumption that others aren't interested in one of broadcasting's biggest- ever boondoggles would be quite mistaken. What are the odds the network can survive?

Given the less- than- rosy outlook for Air America Radio's liberal talk operations, just why would serious buyers emerge, anyway? We can think of only one reason: a stubborn and partisan inability to admit defeat in the ongoing media wars. Beyond a handful of shows, so- called "progressive" talk just hasn't caught on with the public.

For weeks, Air America's remaining executives have been able to convince the network's bankruptcy judge to grant extensions to its court- imposed sale deadline.

Posted by: Anonymoose 2006-12-04