
On secret mission in Germany: CIA agents with "a lisence to kill"
IRNA — Twelve CIA-agents are currently said to be on an "unclear mission" in Germany according to local intelligence circles, the "Bild" newspaper said Thursday in an unconfirmed report. The agents are said to belong to an "elite unit" such as the "Delta Force" which has been "lent" to the CIA for the current mission in Germany. "German security experts assume that the special agents might have received the order to track down the homes of possible islamic terrorists and their supporters in Germany," the paper reported.
Normally, we don't kick down doors in other people's countries. We let the locals do the kicking and supply on-the-spot feedback to the men with moustachios and truncheons...
The 12-man team is also said to be in posession of a "lisence to kill, although the CIA is officially not permitted to liquidate anyone anymore since the 1970s," it said.
I wonder if they also have a lisence to spel?
"The CIA-agents have sofar been sighted in the (western state of) Essen," the daily said, adding that they may have also been "moving" in Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Hamburg.
You could pick them out easily. They were wearing CIA hats...
Unofficial reports also claim that a further three-man group of US secret service agents may soon join the German mission, also equipped with a "lisence to kill."
Gotta watch those CIA guys. The little buggers multiply like rabbits...

Posted by: DeviantSaint 2003-08-07