
Rice peddles democratic blueprint for Mideast
National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, from the pages of The Washington Post, advocated a democratic renaissance in the Middle East similar to that of post World War II in Europe. Reiterating the anti-terrorist, foreign policy goals of the administration of her boss, US President George W. Bush, Rice voiced the hope that by introducing Iraq to democracy a domino effect could be created in the region. "Much as a democratic Germany became a linchpin of a new Europe that is today whole, free and at peace, so a transformed Iraq can become a key element of a very different Middle East in which the ideologies of hate will not flourish," she said.
A nice vision. It's one I think most of us here share. It's also going to be harder to implement that performing one's own root canal — and probably just about as painful. Arabs seem to find the very concept of individual liberty indigestible.
The objectives, Rice said, are bringing stability to the region through a Palestinian-Israeli peace, diminishing what "Arab intellectuals call a political and economic 'freedom deficit'" and ultimately the terrorist threat. "In many quarters," wrote Rice, "a sense of hopelessness provides a fertile ground for ideologies of hatred that persuade people to forsake university educations, careers and families and aspire instead to blow themselves up — taking as many innocent lives with them as possible."
I don't think it's hopelessness that drives them to it. I think it's hatred, pure and simple. The Bali bombings weren't carried out by hopeless men; they were carried out by men consumed with hatred. The Talibs weren't hopeless, they were full of hatred. And the Learned Elders of Islam, who're behind the forces on the other side, aren't hopeless, either. They're filled with that combination of hatred and ambition, xenophobes with the vision of jeweled turbans and dancing girls for themselves...
After reiterating the Bush administration's mantra that deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein "posed a threat to the security of the United States and to the world .... pursued, had used and possessed weapons of mass destruction," Rice said things were now different. "Today that threat is gone. And with the liberation of Iraq, there is a special opportunity to advance a positive agenda for the Middle East that will strengthen security in the region and throughout the world. We are already seeing evidence of a new commitment to forging ahead with peace among Israelis and Palestinians."
And the same efforts, fuelled by hatred, to scuttle any movement toward peace.
Changing the Middle East, which she said comprised 22 countries with a population of 300 million, "will not be easy, and it will take time. It will require the broad engagement of America, Europe and all free nations working in full partnership with those in the region who share our belief in the power of human freedom."
And even then, chances are better than 60-40 it'll flop...
Rice said the commitment required not only military will, but "all aspects of our national power — diplomatic, economic and cultural." In its quest, the White House official said, the United States "will act because we want greater freedom and opportunity for the people of the region, as well as greater security for people in America and throughout the world."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-08-08