
N.Korea Questions U.S. Sincerity on Nukes
North Korea on Thursday questioned the United States’ sincerity in resolving a standoff over its nuclear programs as China sent a top diplomat to Pyongyang to prepare for talks on the issue. Pyongyang said a planned U.S.-South Korean military drill on Aug. 18-29 ``leaves us skeptical about the U.S. willingness to discard its hostile policy.’’
Must be time for the annual summer manuevers!
The annual Ulchi Focus Lens military exercise consists mostly of computer-simulated war games. North Korea routinely condemns such drills as rehearsals for an invasion. Last week the communist country agreed to a meeting with the United States, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea to discuss the nuclear dispute, despite earlier insisting on bilateral talks with the United States. No date or venue has been announced, but North Korea said Monday that the talks will begin soon in Beijing.
Just as soon as we order a two-sided hexagonal table with green blue felt.
On Thursday, China sent Wang Yi, one of its vice foreign ministers, to North Korea to discuss arrangements for the six-nation talks, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. No other details were given. North Korea’s closest ally, China has said it is willing to host the talks as soon as possible. It hosted a meeting between Washington and Pyongyang officials in April. Also Thursday, South Korean police detained 12 anti-U.S. protesters who barged into a U.S. military shooting range near the border with communist North Korea. Chanting ``We oppose war on the Korean Peninsula!’’ they burned U.S. flags, then clamored into the facility and climbed onto a tank, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said.
Ship ’em north of the 38th parallel. Can’t think of a better punishment.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-08-08