
Israeli commando killed in Nablus raid. 2 Hamas Boomers snuffed
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Staff-Sergeant Roi Oren, 20, from Moshav Udim near Netanya, was killed early Friday morning in a battle with Palestinian terrorists in a refugee camp near Nablus. Oren was laid to rest this afternoon at 15:30 in Udim’s cemetery. Oren belonged to the IDF’s elite naval commando unit Shayetet 13, which entered the Askar refugee camp east of Nablus on the West Bank at 4:30 A.M. to arrest wanted Hamas terrorists. Two top Hamas bomb makers were killed during the raid.
Good - don’t want em as prisoners
The operation was directed at capturing senior Hamas fugitives who were located in the three-story building in the camp, said Judea and Samaria Divisional commander Brig.Gen. Gadi Eizencot in a briefing with reporters near Tapuah. Acting on an intelligence tip off, the soldiers surrounded the three-story building where the two fugitives, Khamis Abu Salem and Said Fadder, who were planning bomb attacks against Israelis were hiding. The troops called out to the fugitives to surrender; in response the terrorists opened fire, killing IDF Staff Sgt. Roi Oren.
Expect to hear the same whiners asking why they couldn’t be captured alive, like Sammy’s awful brood..
Soldiers responded with machine gun fire and launched an anti-tank rocket at the building. A huge explosion followed, bringing down most of the building. One of Hamas fugitives was buried under the rubble, said Eizencot.
before 5PM on the same day? How islamic!
Israeli troops later blew up the remainder of the building. The lab had contained dozens of kilograms of explosives.

Nightly security forces operate in the West Bank to thwart terror attacks. "Since the truce was declared on June 29, security forces have thwarted scores of attacks especially in the Nablus area," he said. Despite a decrease in the number of terror threats in recent weeks, "a little luck and the intense operations by IDF forces," have foiled numerous attacks he said. "We are committed to protecting and safeguarding the citizens of Israel, IDF forces operate throughout the West Bank except in Bethlehem. We will continue such operations until we see effective actions carried out by the PA to combat terror," he said.
They'll be wearing overcoats in hell when that happens, of course...
Sheik Ismael Abu Shanab, a senior Hamas official in Gaza said Friday that Abu Salem’s death was a flagrant violation of the hudna and the crossing of a "red line" from Hamas’ point of view. "This shows that the enemy has no real intention to respect the ceasefire. Hamas will not remain silent over the Israeli aggression against its activists," said Shanab.
Shanab needs a red laser dot on his forehead
Brig.Gen. Eizencot denied Hamas’ claim that the operation against its bomb makers in Nablus was a violation of the ceasefire, saying that both fugitives were involved in planning attacks against Israelis, preparing and instructing suicide bombers, and that the building they were found in was an explosives laboratory. "At 4:40 in the morning shots were fired at the soldiers from at least two different weapons from the third floor of the building where the two Hamas fugitives were believed to be." It was in that first burst of gunfire Oren was killed. The explosion that occurred after soldiers returned fire came from a bomb factory located on the third floor where the fugitives were preparing bombs to be used in attacks against Israelis. The blast caused the third floor and the roof of the second floor to collapse. Local Palestinian families who lived in the building on the first and second floor under the bomb factory were evacuated by IDF forces after the explosion occurred. The security forces then completed demolishing the building that remained partially standing after the explosion he said. At least one of the two Hamas fugitives is believed to have died from the blast and the other was buried in the rubble after the explosion caused the building to cave in. Eizencot said Hamis Abu Salem had been involved in planning attacks against Israeli citizens. Soldiers found two rifles that were used by the terrorists to shoot at soldiers and a gun. Since the truce went into effect at the end of June there has been 41 shooting and bomb attacks directed at Israelis traveling on the roads in the West Bank as well as at Israeli communities in the region he said. In addition there were 29 attacks that were perpetrated in Area A under sole Palestinian control.
Let’s see...41 + 29 > 0 isn’t it?
In that period IDF forces have launched 115 operations to arrest Palestinian terrorists in areas under Israeli security control (Area B) and 80 in areas under sole Palestinian control (Area A) due to the PA’s failure to crack down on the terrorists operating, confiscate weapons and destroy the terror infrastructure he said. At least ten of the terrorists arrested planned to perpetrate suicide bomb attacks. Responding to today’s early morning IDF raid which destroyed a Hamas explosives production facility, Dore Gold, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s office, accused the PA of ignoring the US sponsored Road Map peace plan by not acting against terrorism. "According to the road map, it is the Palestinian Authority who is directly responsible for the immediate dismantling of terrorist organizations and their infrastructure," Gold, a former Ambassador to the UN, told The Jerusalem Post. "Unfortunately the Palestinians have not even begun to implement their road map obligation and there fore it is incumbent upon Israel to take every measure necessary to defend it’s civilian population."
also today - Check out Charles Krauthammers’ excellent op-ed in Wash Post re: the barrier wall
Posted by: Frank G 2003-08-08