
Mom: ’Keep my boy at Gitmo’
A Russian mother said that conditions in Russian jails are so awful that she would prefer her son remain in the "humane" conditions of the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay. A number of governments, including Russia’s, are in talks with the United States to extradite their nationals from the prison camp in Cuba, which was set up to house Taliban and al Qaeda suspects after the war in Afghanistan. "I am terribly scared of a Russian prison or Russian court for my son," Amina Khasanova was quoted as saying by Gazeta newspaper on Friday. "At Guantanamo they treat him humanely, the conditions are fine." Her son Andrei Bakhitov is one of eight Russian detainees, and the newspaper quoted a letter he wrote to his mother. "I think that there is not even a health resort in Russia on the level of this place," the letter said.
(I think this letter needs to be circulated around the world! Too bad these Ruskies don’t understand they are being ’tortured’ and ’mistreated’ by their U.S. Zioniat overlords. Will this make more Bad guys surrender so they can go to Club Cuba?)
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-08-08